Sunday, December 6, 2015

17 October 2015

This week in class we talked about same gender attraction, where it comes from, and whether it is right or wrong.  It is interesting to hear about different ways that people come to identify themselves as gay.  In class we talked about the process of events that some people go through, that eventually lead to their "gay identity."  Some factors that can lead a person down a path toward this "gay identity" are temperament, childhood play preferences (typical and atypical), non-specific arousal, and sexualized/romanticized exposure (pornography, molestation, etc.).  There are other factors that can contribute to a person identifying as gay, these are only a few possibilities.

This is a sensitive subject, and has become even more sensitive as the LDS Church has come out with a new addition to the Church Handbook regarding it.  For more information regarding the LDS Church's stance on same gender attraction, please visit:

I really love this video that was put out by the Church; Elder Christofferson clarifies the handbook change and helps us understand the purpose for it.  I love that he starts this video by saying that the handbook change "originates from a desire to protect children," which is God's intent in all that he does, protects His precious children.  I urge you to take the time to watch and understand this information.

I stand behind the LDS Church; I believe that gay/lesbian identity is not something that should be acted upon.  I believe that gay/lesbian tendencies are a real thing for some people and that it is Satan's only hope that God's children will give in to the ever-present attraction that they are faced with.  I also believe, though, that there is a way to overcome and cope with same-gender attraction, and that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the way back; they are the light, and they will never leave us or stop loving us.

John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."